On Original Sin and Martin Luther
"Some of the best German writing is Luther’s, including his translations and his songs. There are 95 thesis and all 95 could be read. The first is theoretical.
1. Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ in saying “Repent ye,” (“Penitentiam agite”) has intended that the whole life of believers should be penitent (“penitentia”).
This is deep in the unconscious and it goes along with the notion of sin had by Aesthetic Realism: that in being born you don’t love enough and there’s a greater tendency to care for yourself than for what is not yourself. This tendency is equivalent to original sin. And it’s not something that you get rid of in a hurry. While you can see the outside world better, love it more, be more just to it, there is something to be penitent about.
Luther would talk about this differently, but he would say essentially--and this is the idea in accepting Christ--that you love something outside of yourself as a means of fighting the narrowness you were born with. To say there is original sin is to say there is organic narrowness. There is no other meaning. It should be seen that way and something of that is in Luther’s writing."
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